Tend. Verb. Meaning to move in a specific direction. Or, to exhibit a specific inclination. Or, to pay attention to, to care for, to cultivate, to stand by.
In tending to growing things, might we also care for ourselves and others? In observing things that shoot up, bloom, and then wither and die, only to resurrect again, can we craft a vision of hope? Can gardens do more than make space for beauty? Can they make space for sorrow, for anger, for love, for forgiveness, for second chances?
Tend seeks to explore the power of gardens as agents of beauty, hope, and resilience through artistic observations/interpretations of such spaces. We especially want to see work that explores gardens as places for generative spiritual care of persons, places, plants, animals, etc.
Our gallery currently only accepts 2D, wall hung work from the following mediums: photography, painting, drawing, printmaking, collage, poetry, and mixed media. Some 3D work may be accepted if it is small (taking up less than a square foot of floor space) and can be displayed against a wall. At this time we do not accept video work, AI generated work, work designed to be hung from the ceiling, or 3D work designed to be seen in-the-round. Work must be ready to hang; we will accept framed and unframed work. Framed work should be hung by wire, or be able to be hung by command strips. Unframed work should be able to be pinned, hung by clips or by command strips (clips or other such hanging hardware should be provided by the artist).
***Submissions must include an artist statement that responds specifically to the call.
All submissions will be considered.
Submission Deadline: 04/04/2025
Notification of Acceptance: 04/11/2025
Artwork delivery date: 04/26/2025
Exhibition Dates: 05/04/2025 - 07/18/2025
About Our Gallery:
The Bridge House Gallery seeks to support emerging and mid-career artists, particularly artists of Christian faith, by exhibiting their work in a unique and intimate setting. Our gallery functions as a third space between Holy Cross Lutheran Church and Intersect Arts Center, providing a cozy and creative space for engagement with the arts. Through exhibitions, artist talks, reading groups, and special events, The Bridge House Gallery hopes to deepen conversations on faith, art, and what it means to work vocationally as an artist in this world.